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Do It Yourself

Doly crochet


I sacrificed Shata, a designer of handmade burlap and cardboard works with my gifts from 20 years ago, when I wanted to make a gift for his friend, and I carried it out of burlap, and it was distinctive because the burlap had its limited uses and was not common as these days, and I carried out the gift and was dazzling. Roses and a prominent decoration, and I developed myself a lot, but I did not enter the media and did not know anything about it, and began to promote my work in the decoration shops, and it became popular and knew to make a name in the beginning by encouraging my friends and my family, especially my aunt, who helped me a lot and bought various products for her and her children And starting to enter the Internet and I started to turn on the product on the sites, I actually found pilgrimages like my work, but in different ways and developed from myself and from the fresco, but I did not mimic something that I wanted to have a special character for and I developed myself in choosing colors with studies in decoration, interior decoration courses and finishes, as well as Photoshop courses and 3 Dmax and techniques And programs to implement decor works, I also took wedding plan courses, natural leather courses and photography, and all this helped me in my work. Thank God, he became a name in the field. I participated in many exhibitions and photographed in many programs in the space and Egyptian television, and I made a well-known mark and I was able to prove my presence in the yard and trained many people who followed the productive families And at the moment, the burlap remained attached to my name on the level of the Republic. Anyone who talks about burlap tells you to keep a sacrifice.

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Products (10)

Crochet Doll

Crochet Doll

80 Egyptian Pound


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